Large poster, written and illustrated as a means of propaganda of what we do more or less every day for many years.


International Bookstore

An enormous space, thousands of people, thousands of books, a limited visiting time. How do you find your way among the volumes selected from the international scene by the Libreria Giannino Stoppani bookstore, Bologna?

How. We imagined a route through 26 themes, marked by as many letters. The marker icons on the maps, reproduced with huge dimensions above visitors' heads, enabling them to instantly find their bearings and guiding them among the thousands of titles for children and teenagers. 

What. Interior design, archi-graphics.
Client. Bologna Children’s Book Fair, Bologna (IT).
Year. 2015.
Partnerships. Giannino Stoppani Cooperativa Culturale.

A: Alice, Alfabeti, Attività, Architettura [Alice, Alphabets, Activity, Architecture]. B: Best from the world, Bologna Ragazzi Award, Books&Seeds. C: Cina, Classici [China, Classics]. D: Disabilità [Disability]. E: Expo. G: Giallo [detective novels]. H: Haiku. I: Illustrazione [Illustration]. J: Jolly [wild card]. K: Kamillo Kromo [an Italian cartoon character]. L: Legalità [Legality]. M: Mappe, Matematica, Musica, Migranti [Maps, Mathematics, Music, Migration]. N: Natura [Nature]. O: Omero [Homer]. P: Pippi, Piccolo Principe [Pippi Longstocking, Little Prince]. Q: Quadri [Paintings]. R: Resistenza [Resistance]. S: Scienza, Storia, Sport [Science, History, Sport]. T: Tesori [Treasures]. U: Umorismo [Humour]. V: Vite [Lives]. W: Welcome. X: Pareggio [Draw/Tie]. Y: Young adults. Z: Zuzzurellone, Zerotre [Man-child, Zero-three].

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WE. Young readers’ Weekend

Bologna, 28 and 29 March 2015. For Bologna Fiere we created the name WE and designed the visual identity for the Young Readers' Weekend. 

WE is the preview to the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, open to all and bursting with ideas and activities.

How. “WE” instead of “I”, us instead of me, and thus an invitation to make reading a shared experience, and books a focal point for hygge.
What. Visual identity, naming.
Client. Bologna Trade fairs, Bologna (IT).
Year. 2015.


Reading accessibility

Our research on how to increase the accessibility of text continues.

How. Together with Zanichelli, we have formalized and identified the few minor visual variables which, when used within the right ranges, increase the chances of removing visual obstacles to reading a textbook. Based on our decades of experience as graphic designers (but also as readers) we have identified ten significant variables: two related to page layout, three to text composition, two to colours and three to font and graphics. ISIA Urbino, took on the task of analysing Zanichelli's textbooks

Client. Zanichelli Editore, Bologna (IT).
Year. 2015.
Partnerships. ISIA Urbino.


Cue Press - Digital limelight

Cue Press is the first digital publishing house dedicated to the theatre and performing arts. It is a sustainable, scalable, reproducible digital publishing project.

How. With a little training and some dedicated tools, we enabled Cue Press publishing house to become autonomous in producing its own graphic artefacts. Just a few simple rules regarding the visual variables to be used within established limits are enough to ensure autonomous production, recognisability and visual quality.

What. Graphic design.
Client. Cue Press, Imola (IT).
Year. 2015.

Cue /kju:/: a signal to an actor or other performer to enter or to begin their speech or performance.

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Planet Fiori

Rimini, Ecomondo 2014. An interactive space with six “wearable” sculptures for as many selfies in a futuristic and (sur)real environment. A snap-shot of Planet Fiori, the place “where things never run out” but where everything is kept to be used again.  

On Planet Fiori there are no limits to regeneration. Every material, gathered by Gruppo Fiori, is transformed, creating new environments, new objects, new stories. Those who visited the stand at Ecomondo fair became inhabitants of “Planet Fiori”, leaving a trail behind them on social networks here and here (both sites are in Italian).

The illustrations are by Angelo Monne.

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Plan B

With a pamphlet and a book we explained the Strategic Metropolitan Plan for Bologna, a big workshop used to imagine how the city will develop over the coming years. 

This wide ranging project involves both the public and private sectors, with the aim of defining the direction of development for the metropolitan area of Bologna.

How. In the 128-page book, with the help of illustrations by Angelo Monne, we explored the ideas and data that emerged from three forums, four roundtable design discussions, 26 work groups, and 67 comprehensive projects.
Year. 2014.
Partnerships. Angelo Monne.

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See also


We created Bè, Bolognaestate [Baa! Bologna-summer], the summer events calendar coordinated by the city of Bologna.

How. Bè the sheep, with her fleece made of apostrophes, was designed by to/let. We welcomed her into our studio, brushed and sheered her, then took her out to graze in the streets and squares of Bologna until September.

What. Graphic design.
Client. City of Bologna (IT).
Year. 2014.
Partnerships. to/let.

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mani e parole

Letters in the right place

We met with the students of the Bologna Fine Arts Academy, and with them we carried out an experiment in collective self-design: rewriting one of the Favole al Telefono (Fairy tales on the Telephone) by Gianni Rodari, by rebuilding the voice and character of the book in the vocal lab, ready for self-reading.

How. Autodesign, caratteri al posto giusto [Self-design, letters in the right place] is an experience designed to bring the core elements of our work to the fore: analysis of the text and its context, self-organization and group work, separation and prioritization of semantic components, design and application of visual variables, and regular testing of the correspondence between typographical format and content.

Client. Accademia Belle Arti, Bologna (IT).
Year. 2014.

mani e parole studenti studenti parole composte parole studentessa studente lettura beppe chia chia e weste quattro amici


Bioscop is the first musical edition by the writers' group Wu Ming, in their Contingent formation.

Bioscop consists of ten biographies, ten plots, ten faces, ten stories. They are strewn onto CD, shocking pink vinyl and a booklet.

How. We created Bioscop with typographical characters made of eighteenth-century pear wood, which are resistant over the years to woodworm, runaway pixels and changing messages.​
What. Graphic design.
Client. Wu Ming Contingent, Bologna (IT).
Year. 2014.

Bioscop, instructions for use: slide the pink vinyl disc gently from its sleeve, lay the B-side on the turntable, raise the volume by turning the knob clockwise. Pull out the booklet, breathe in its scent and read its (typographical) characters.

Bioscop is also an early movie projector, invented in Germany in the late nineteenth century by the Skladanowsky brothers.

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Small Faces

We love difference. Bologna Children's Book Fair, end of March 2014. Difference as a value was the theme we worked with to interpret the visual identity of the most important event in the world of children’s literature. We reanimated the icons of the existing logo – a boy and girl reading – making them become the protagonists of the campaign for the 2014 edition. We designed about a hundreds of well-known and lesser-known faces, real and make-believe, but all different. We gave them life and let them scamper freely across the entire campaign. A cascade of faces, dotlike and colorful, which for this year took the place of the, now-traditional, themed alphabet.

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The image of sports

The media are full of sporting images, but sport is not always associated with an image that reflects legendary exploits, ethical values and moral redemption. 

This dissonance between the deepest values of sport and the image we absorb every day from the media is where we set out from to build a visual identity for Sport. Figure and parole dai libri per ragazzi [sport, figures and words from children's books], the exhibition held at the Museo Civico Archeologico museum in Bologna.

How. We chose nine words, those that we would like to read every day on the front pages of the newspapers, and we emphasised them, making them the key focus of communications. We find them on the cover of the catalogue and on the walls of the exhibition, accompanying 94 illustrations selected from children's books that talk about a different kind of sport.​
What. Graphic design, page layout, staging of exhibition.
Client. Cooperativa Culturale Giannino Stoppani, Bologna (IT).
Year. 2014.

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The children’s room. Toys and furniture from the Marzadori collection

The exhibition La camera dei bambini. Giocattoli e arredi della collezione Marzadori 1900-1950 [The children's room. Toys and furniture from the Marzadori collection] runs in Salaborsa, Bologna from 22 March to 14 June 2014. It includes 400 works, many of them unique. 

All together, they represent a veritable inventory of the design and master-craftsmanship of the first half of the twentieth century, often drawing inspiration from avant-garde artistic movements: a testament to the development of social customs, changes in art, society, production, culture, history and education in Italy.

How. We brought toys and furniture in wood, metal, enamel and processed fabrics back to life. In the graphic design and page layout, we played without nets or grids, allowing objects to move freely in the contemporary space of the white page, simply indulging their visual weight, their glances and their tactile qualities.
What. Graphic design and page layout for catalogue.
Client. Pendragon edizioni, Bologna (IT).
Year. 2014.

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The Army of Sleepwalkers

In bookstores from 8 April 2014, L’Armata dei Sonnambuli  [the army of sleepwalkers] is the new novel from Wu Ming, the writers' group established in 2000 in Bologna. 

How. We designed the cover, as we had previously done for Manituana and Anatra all'arancia meccanica  [duck à la clockwork orange].

What. Graphic design.
Client. Wu Ming, Bologna (IT).
Year. 2014.


TEA – A day in the life

For Tea Group we produced a video revealing – better than any infographics could ever do – a typical day in which the group's staff keep the city of Mantua running smoothly.

How. For twenty-four hours we looked TEA's staff in the eyes and discreetly recorded the places where they work, including those that normally remain out of sight. A day narrated in 210 seconds with the people who work, who do tangible, useful things for everyone's lives.

What. Video concept and production.
Client. TEA Group, Mantua (IT).
Year. 2014.
Partnerships. Muschi&Licheni.

TEA – A day in the life


Science at the forge is the art behind good living - Fiori Group at Ecomondo 2013

La scienza in fucina è l'arte di vivere bene [Science at the forge is the art behind good living] is the installation created for Fiori Group at Ecomondo 2013. We tried to extract the hidden values of metals, special ingredients to prepare ideal recipes.

How. Knowledge of the secret virtues of metals became the starting point from which to discover and understand the virtuous process of collection, separation and recycling that leads to a better quality of life for everyone and to the preservation of our environment.

What. Analysis, design and production, staging of exhibition.
Client. Fiori Group, Valsamoggia (IT).
Year. 2013.

Our projects for Fiori Group

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Nelson Mandela Forum

In 2004, the city of Florence chose the name of Nelson Mandela (and not a commercial brand) for its indoor sports arena. 

Andrea Rauch and Gianni Sinni were the consultants for a well-conceived competition to create a logo: participation was in pairs, and the prize was a trip to South Africa. We entered, we won, and soon we set off to see the legacy of the father of reconciliation with our own eyes, in the streets of Johannesburg, Cape Town, Robben Island…

What. Coordinated image.
Year. 2004.

Many years have passed, and today it seems right to remember Madiba in our own way. Ubuntu!


Sardegna chi-ama Bologna [Sardinia calls/loves Bologna]

A concert-show in support of Sardinia.

After the rogue wave that struck Sardinia, Paolo Fresu immediately mobilized to organize a concert and show with Devil Trio (Paolo Fresu, Bebo Ferra, Paolino Dalla Porta), I Virtuosi Italiani, Daniele di Bonaventura, Lella Costa, Geppi Cucciari, Elena Ledda, Stefano Benni and Alessandro Bergonzoni.

How. We created a logo to symbolize the dramatic situation and the call for help, rooted in Sardinian history: a symbol that we called "Bronzetto n. 01 detto: eroe of Torpè" [Bronze statuette n° 1, known as the hero of Torpè]. It represents one of the 17 involuntary heroes who, while passing lightly over the ground, became the unwitting sacrifices of this neglected region.​
What. Coordinated image.
Year. 2013.


Buchmesse, on board

A small delegation from Chialab is setting off for the Frankfurt Book Fair. In our suitcase, the interactive eBook, to spread knowledge of the great potential of our new digital storyteller far and wide.

Come and meet our colporteurs on Friday 11th October at 10.30 am in the Hot Spot Education area / Stand C85.

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Regarding digital books…

“In the making of digital books, the tools which will have particular importance will be multimedia storytelling, infographics, and the interactive presentation of data and information. The focus will therefore be on the possibilities offered by the integration of different communicative codes (text, images, audio, video) in the fields of information representation, multimedia narration, the ability to motivate and capture attention, as well as encourage comprehension, memorization, abstraction and reasoning skills.”

Maria Chiara Carrozza, Italian Ministry of Education – Decree on digital books 2013


Accessibility Habitability Learning

AAA Accessibilità Abitabilità Apprendimento. For the past two years we've been working on a project about the accessibility of reading. 

The first stage has been completed, with the collaboration of Luciano Perondi, who helped us create the Kind font and the Macramé series for publishers Loescher. Linked to these reflections and experiences of typography and reading performance, we recommend the font TestMe, created by Luciano Perondi and Leonardo Romei, in order to check some of the most important typographical features in the reading process. TestMe can be downloaded and modified thanks to its OpenFont licence.

How. Our project Accessibilità, Abitabilità, Apprendimento is based on field testing and an inclusive design approach, and will continue for the next two years, overlapping and integrating with the interactive eBook project. The goal: to apply the results of our research on the habitability of the digital page and its accessibility for people with learning difficulties. Digital technology offers us a unique opportunity to work dynamically and create tailor-made solutions for each reader, using rigorous reading tests to find the most suitable strategies to suit their individual needs. All visual, typographical and layout-based variables with an impact on reading will be identified and adjusted individually.​
What. Graphic design.
Year. 2013.
Partnerships. Luciano Perondi.

TestMe can be downloaded and explored here.

Anyone interested in contributing or working with us on this legibility research is welcome to contact us, we would be happy to compare notes.

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