A selection of our works, namely: sites and apps, visual identities of companies, products, institutions and fairs, book design, training and consultancy.

Lunga vita al Titillium
Lo abbiamo usato, ce ne siamo presi cura e adesso ne condividiamo la versione aggiornata.
- Typography
- Open Source

Bologna Children’s Book Fair
Bologna FiereThe visual identity of the world’s largest children’s book fair.
- Identity
- Strategy
- Exhibit

Collezioni, Biblioteca, Museo, Storia
ZanichelliSolid data architecture and a component-based design to meet teaching needs quickly and efficiently.
- Web App

Agile Coaching
FormazioneMethods, tools and practices for constructing, sharing and facilitating teamwork.
- Coaching
- Workshop

Differenti Positivi
Mantova AmbienteA commitment to the future of the environment is the value of the brand.
- Strategy
- Website
- Publishing
- Communication

Portfolio book design 11
ArchiviWe design books from cover to cover.
- Publishing
- Art Direction
- Book Design

Buone pratiche per l’accessibilità del testo
ZanichelliConsigli per ridurre gli ostacoli (visivi) alla lettura.
- Research
- Typography
- Legibility

Before and after 100
Edizioni ELHaving designed the logo for the centenary of Gianni Rodari’s birth for Edizioni EL, we went on to create layouts for grammars, fairy tales and nursery rhymes.
- Publishing
- Art Direction

Consumer analysis report
HeraUnderstanding our electricity and gas consumption habits.
- Data Visualization
- User Interface

DockbookingHow to find a safe harbour while sailing.
- Identity
- Website
- App IOS
- App Android
- Data Visualization
- Backend Development
- Frontend Development

Frels - keep in touch with your glasses
Frel SolutionsIdentity and strategy for an innovative product.
- Identity
- Website
- Communication
- Art Direction

What Binds Metals?
Gruppo FioriFrom fragmentation to unification: creation and development of the corporate brand identity.
- Identity
- Strategy
- Exhibit

ConTea Magazine
Gruppo TeaRecounting a multi-utility group’s relationship with the environment in a magazine.
- Identity
- Publishing
- Communication

Palazzo dei Diamanti
Fondazione Ferrara ArteVisual communication about cultural events in a place of historical and architectural interest.
- Identity
- Communication

Exercise player
PearsonA web app on which to carry out exercises for primary and middle school.
- Web App

Design for all: Macramè
LoescherGraphic design for a series of high-legibility narrative school books.
- Publishing
- Typography

Agenda Cultura
Comune di BolognaA one-stop shop for all of Bologna’s cultural events and initiatives.
- Web App
- Identity
- Strategy

Biblioteca Salaborsa
Comune di BolognaThe communication campaign and visual identity of the first Italian
library without boundaries.
- Identity
- Website
- Publishing
- Wayfinding

Tu non uccidere [Do not Kill]
Damiani EditoreAn anthology in which graphics, iconography and contents were created together to offer new routes through reading.
- Publishing

Ricostruire su solide parole
L’identità de Le Scuole, spazio culturale nato dalle macerie
- Identity
- Exhibit
- Communication
- Typography
- Wayfinding
- Services